Destin LaGrone
This artistic practice is an experiment in self observation, for when you truly look at yourself you can clearly see how you relate to all which is around. Intrigued by Carl Jung, dream alchemy, hermetic wisdom, Taoism, and spiritual self discovery in general, this practice is an exploration into identity and what it means to exist. Concerned with capturing movement, meaning, and the feelings which correspond. The realms beyond where this world exists, the liminal space between dreams, the deep layers of our subconscious, the mental planes accessed through meditation; that is where all of this art reveals itself from. Much can be learned about the psyche through art, and much can be healed through vision. This artwork aims to display that there is divinity within the chaos; in hopes that all of you will find the divine in your darkest moments and know that you are not ever alone. There are several series in which I am currently working; dealing with concepts on dream symbolism, vibration and frequency of all things, intuition, and liminal spaces. I will also be launching an abstract expressionism workshop dealing with "healing through art" in the spring of 2025 in the Cedars.
See Destin LaGrone's Studio at 1214 Powhattan St.